RIR Bantams 14 weeks - Male or Female???


Chicken Kisser
10 Years
May 18, 2009
I have 5 RIR Bantams that are 14 weeks old...three look like the first pic & 2 look like the second. Any guesses as to male or female? I know it looks pretty obvious, I just want some opinions. Thanks!!!


Thanks ve!! That's what I'm thinking. Should we wait to hear them crow/lay or do you think it's definite?
I dunno...they could both be girls...how do the tails look? Is the 2nd one much bigger than the first? By 14 weeks, they're getting close to laying age so even the girls should be getting combs and wattles (mine started laying at 19 weeks). It was obvious one of my RIR's was a roo by 5-6 weeks. I would wait to see what happens in a couple more weeks.
The ones with the larger combs have smaller tails than the ones with small combs. I can post some pics later if it would help
Well I'm no expert...my chickens are only 6 months old and they are my first...but I think you have all pullets. By 14 weeks, the roos should be very very obvious....big combs and wattles, longer black tail feathers, and also the hackle and saddle feathers should be different. You could post a couple pics of the whole birds so we can see, but my guess is all girls.

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