Roadside eggstand in the hot summer


5 Years
Jul 14, 2018
I would like to make a self serve eggstand. We live in Texas and it gets really hot in the summer. I know fresh eggs are safe at room temp, but it is definitely not room temp outside. What are some good ideas to keep eggs cool, but not cold. All I can come up with is build around a cooler. Has anyone ever done this? Thanks for the help.
A really good cooler, using refreezable ice packs.
Put it in as deep shade as possible, and change out ice packs frequently.
...and hope customers close cooler properly after they buy.
If you can make electric available, getting a used fridge to put into a shelter is probably the easiest over time because you'd be spending a lot of time servicing a cooler.

This is, specifically, why I don't have a stand yet. My state requires eggs for sale to be refrigerated immediately after collecting.

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