Rooster behavior

Roosters are a different story. Thing is if you get a grand one, it is amazing. If you get a rotten one it is a nightmare. A lot depends on the rooster. A little (very little IMO) depends on the actions of people.

And once they are aggressive, it is rather too late to do anything, again IMO. I could never catch them to hold them down. They are sneaky and will get you from the blind side.

The best way to get at least a pretty good rooster, is to not keep a rotten rooster. Personally, I never touch my rooster. The one I have now, hatched out of a broody hen, and I have never touched him. He naturally gives me space. That is what I want.

If you want a rooster, a good way to start is with a rooster that is about a year old, raised in a multi-generational flock in your area. This rooster is so nice that he wasn't culled by someone who would have culled if he wasn't. Post at the feed store, ask at 4-H clubs. A lot of people have extra roosters that they would be glad to give you.

Mrs K
That’s very well said and I appreciate the perspective. We do have a farm nearby that takes in roosters and “guarantees” they are friendly so I may inquire with them if I ever want another one. I’ve always thought of them as accidental flock members and never thought to get a “good” one. They really are cool when they are nice. At least he was for a month or so! He’s off to his new home tomorrow where he will free range a lot more and won’t be around any kids.
Hi all,

I have a Cochin rooster who is 7 months old. He’s mating with the hens and seems to be managing the flock well. He used to be friendly toward my daughter and me but lately he’s shown signs of aggression. He chased and pecked her once and now occasionally charges at her but backs down. He just started charging at me and backing down as well. I do try to pick him up but am getting a bit intimidated by him. I could rehome him but find him a great asset to the flock and just a cool feature of our little farm. He’s the first I’ve raised and kept to this age so this is uncharted territory. I went with Cochin because I expected him to be docile especially with all the handling he’s had. Is this just a phase given his age? He’s also been cooped up in the run for a while as we have a lot of foxes this time of year and there is snow on the ground so the hens are staying it. Curious how to work with him or what the charging etc may mean. He does also crow at me when I’m in the run which seems to be him claiming his territory. Any thoughts/advice are welcome. Here he is. He’s big!
Oh wow so here’s my Cochin rooster but a bantam. Mine is just a micro version of yours lol.
I don’t know about standard Cochins, but my bantam was a holy terror for about 6 weeks once mating began. But now he’s the *chefs kiss* of a rooster. He’s great with the girls, and not at all ppl aggressive. So maybe your guy just needs time to get over his hormonal hump, or maybe a bantam Cochin would suit your needs.


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Ooh he’s beautiful! A mini me of mine. I rehomed him and he’s already the top of the pecking order at his new farm. I may try a bantam if we get another one.
Yay, I’m glad to hear he’s doing well! It’s got to be a relief for you and your family.

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