In the Brooder
- Oct 6, 2023
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I have a flock of 14 chickens, 4 of which are roosters: 2 Buff Orpington, 1 Brown Laced Wyandotte, 1 Bantam. I don’t have enough ladies to support that many roos, but I’m struggling to decide whether to keep the current dominant rooster, one of the Buff Orpingtons, or the Brown Laced Wyandotte. The Buff is not aggressive, seems to be good at watching for predators, and I’ve seen him come between hens that were fronting each other up. The Wyandotte is just such a beautiful bird, but as the current non dominant doesn’t really do the above. Are one of these breeds typically better at managing the flock? Is a non dominant rooster likely to step up once he’s the only male? I don’t want to choose beauty over substance. The last time we had chickens we weren’t allowed to keep a rooster so I don’t have experience with this. Thanks for your help!