Rooster has white flecks on earlobes, black spots on comb? (PICTURES AVAILABLE)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
San Dimas, CA
Hello BYCers,

My mother is worried about our rooster, who has white spots on his earlobes and some black spotting on his comb. Picture is attached. Does anyone know what it is, and if it's something bad, what we can do to treat it?

This is one of our hens in comparison.
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I just noticed mine are doing the same thing. A day ago their combs were beautiful bright red, now they are faded and have those brown blotches on them. Help!
I too have a rooster that has black spots & it looks like mold. He also shakes his head. Where you able to fiqure out why he shakes his head?
Thank you
I'm not sure how my mother ended up addressing the problem, but she didn't contact me after to update me. We ended up having to give our rooster away shortly after because a neighbor complained about the crowing. Good luck!

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