Rooster Limping & Nail Blood


Aug 14, 2021
Upstate New York (Albany Region)
Hi all,

Just a quick question as I've noticed a slight limp on my rooster for the last couple of days, and did a full inspection the other day and it looks like one of the hens decided to pluck a feather from his foot it was already dry/not bleeding so I left it be. This morning I opened the coop and he was back to limping somewhat the same so I grabbed him and noticed blood under the toenail and some near his spur that is growing in. I cleaned it up and added some Blu-Kote and let it dry before letting him back into the coop.

He's now just sitting down in the shade, but is there anything else you'd do to help the wounds heal?

*Also just a side note I checked for bumblefoot and there is no rounded/inflammation just the blood just as an fyi!

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It sounds like a something that happened to my silkie rooster a little while ago, for mine the best thing to do was put on some blue coat and wait
It sounds like a something that happened to my silkie rooster a little while ago, for mine the best thing to do was put on some blue coat and wait
Stuck working today, but yeah he's hobbling around outside my office but no broken toenail thankfully.

He's also been mounting the hens more so I'm wondering if he got bucked off by one of them and is just learning some of them aren't ready/unwilling (5 months old almost).

I'll see if I can snag a pic later!

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