Rooster limping- red inflamed feet


Apr 19, 2016
My rooster has always had kinda red feet but now they have gotten worse. One is swollen and red. He is limping on that one. He's been thru a few dog attacks in the last month or so. Can anyone tell me what to do? My first instinct was to catch him and put his feet in apple cider vinegar but I haven't done it yet
Wait till he goes to roost at night, then he'll be easy to pick off the roost.
Soak his feet in an Epsom Salt bath and then perhaps some aloe. Do this at least once a day.
The Epsom Salt bath should be in warm water.
I think certainly catching him and giving him a thorough exam is the first order of business. Inspect the bottom of the feet. That right one looks pretty on the look out for bumble foot. Let us know what you see. Best of luck!
Ok I caught him. Had to use a net which tore one of his scabs. His back is one big scab but seems to be healing fine. Nothing looks infected. I felt his feet and examined them. The bottoms were puffy but more like a pad. Is this normal? Nothing felt weird or hard. I took a pic the best I could while trying to hold him. I really didn't expect him to be so sweet but he was. The right one is the one that he limps on. It's kinda swollen on one side but when I felt both feet it didn't feel weird.
So I surmise you didn't treat his feed? They look bad.
An Epsom salt bath would be a minimum treatment. It will draw out any poisons and infection.
His feet have always been red looking. It wasn't a problem until the last couple of days and he isn't easy to catch. He roosts facing out on the top roost with all the hens in front so getting to him is impossible.
How long does he need to stay in the bath?
I usually do 20 minutes. They seem to like it so don't fight too much.
As for how to get the rooster off the roost, you'll have to figure that out.
After dusk (even though I have very wild birds) I can usually sort through the birds on the roost and grab whomever I want.

If he's limping, he's in pain so I would treat.
He's had red feet since he was a chick?
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I soaked his feet yesterday. It probably wasn't twenty minutes because I didn't think it out and got tired of squating. Even before I soaked them they looked better.... His back is healing slowly and I am worried about possible infection. His comb started turning purplish and I was thinking of giving him an antibiotic. How will this effect my eggs?
He wants to stay in the roost all day. We gave him a dose of antibiotics. Also his poop is yellow runny. His feet aren't as red and swollen but he still won't walk on his leg. I brought him out of the roost tho
What specific bacterial infection are you treating with the antibiotics?
Is it a type of antibiotic that will cure the disease he has?
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