Rooster lost part of comb


ChowDown Silkie Farm
10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Hornbeak, Tennessee
My roo got in a fight with a raccoon and he won but lost sum of his comb. It's healed now but don't seem to be repairing itself. The coon had chewed the part of his comb that connects to his head at the back. Will it grow back?

You can see where it isn't connected to his head anymore
Sorry about that, raccoons can be very feisty. The part of the comb that was removed won't grow back, but as long as it has healed properly it should't be a problem. Good luck!
Dubbed by a raccoon.. :-( glad he is alive though.
When I investigated how it got in it had to be pretty strong. Nothing has ever been able to get in that cage. It first tried to go thru the wire by streaching it out. It made a pretty big hole but wasn't big enough so it pulled the wire off the run which was secured with strips of wood. He is a strong rooster to have fended it off and kept his life with minor injuries. There was alot of blood everywhere. His top beak did get broken a little but nothing real bad. Just the tip. I'm sure that was from biting the coon as hard as he could.

We never did catch the coon. But nothing has tried to get in any of the other pens.

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