
Feb 20, 2021
Hello everyone, I have my 1 year & 1 month old rooster who sometimes jump into his coop and start making these funny, weird noises (like noise when he finds food and some others that I couldn't get on this vid). What do you guys think this could be? Please comment any thoughts!

the video below shows him digging near the nesting box area. My hens don't lay their eggs in that area so don't worry, they lay in a carboard box near their coop that I made for them. (I couldn't capture him making the weird noises though)

LINK: https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagra...e6d249a18233a81ad30dd5d8296dd6&_nc_sid=195af5

For some reason the video just keeps loading and loading for me, but based on your description, probably what sourland said! My young rooster, who is about the same age does it and his little … low trills? … are absolutely adorable and for an adorable reason 🥰
haha!! That's so cute! I have an EE that makes some cute noises too! She's the one on my profile picture. :)

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