Rooster not standing straight


Dec 1, 2024
Hello everyone. I've looked and read through some of the other threads and comments before posting and nothing seems to be even similar. I live in MN and have owned chicken since a child.
About a week ago I let all my chickens out of the coop all were eating and acting perfectly normal. The next day one of my hens were dead. No at this point no snow or winter weather has arrived. Fast forward to this weekend we got his with some pretty crazy temp drops and one of my geuinie fowl were dead and one of my smaller roosters were up against the fence and I thought he was dead. Lucky to me he was alive. I brought him inside thinking his feet were froze. Everytime I set him down he falls forward. No it's not lice, it's not the wry neck all that I found related to both these things are not the signs I see. Their diet is the same it's been my whole life and theirs. Could this have happened from fast temperature drops this is my first time owning Cochin bantams as outside birds? That's is my roosters breed. Will I have to put heat lamps in and keep them on all the time? (I've never had to do this even in the dead of winter)
I'm sorry to hear that.
What's their diet? Any chance they could have found something moldy or toxic?
They get corn, and scratch grain, sometimes some oyster. I just recently cleaned there coop as I do this every spring and fall. I use the same thing straw and nothing looked moldy in their coop.
They get corn, and scratch grain, sometimes some oyster. I just recently cleaned there coop as I do this every spring and fall. I use the same thing straw and nothing looked moldy in their coop.
I don't know about the guinea but your rooster is likely suffering from nutrition deficiency with that diet. Those are high carb and sugar, low protein and nutrition foods. I'm not sure if guineas can get fatty liver disease.
Are you able to get an all flock feed?
I don't know about the guinea but your rooster is likely suffering from nutrition deficiency with that diet. Those are high carb and sugar, low protein and nutrition foods. I'm not sure if guineas can get fatty liver disease.
Are you able to get an all flock feed?
Yes I will go to the feed store and look. I was told that the scratch grains were for all types of birds as I've feed this to all my ducks chickens and guinie but I do give them things like crickets and mealworm as well. But those are more weekly snack. As we are messaging my rooster is eating finally
Yes I will go to the feed store and look. I was told that the scratch grains were for all types of birds as I've feed this to all my ducks chickens and guinie but I do give them things like crickets and mealworm as well. But those are more weekly snack. As we are messaging my rooster is eating finally
All types of birds cam eat them, but it's not a feed, it's a treat- junk food. It usually says on the bag that it's a supplement to be fed with a complete diet.
I'd recommend also getting your roo some b complex tablets from the grocery store and giving him a third if one a day.
one of my geuinie fowl were dead and one of my smaller roosters were up against the fence and I thought he was dead. Lucky to me he was alive. I brought him inside thinking his feet were froze. Everytime I set him down he falls forward. No it's not lice, it's not the wry neck all that I found related to both these things are not the signs I see.

Could this have happened from fast temperature drops
Welcome To BYC

Do you have photos of your rooster?

Do you have predators that may be bothering your flock?
How many roosters do you have?

I'd work on hydration, get some vitamins into him.
Marek's disease is a possibility if he's unable to use his legs, this disease can strike at any time unfortunately.
I would also recommend posting a picture of your rooster’s feet. Frostbite can be a possibility. We see cases her online from MN and other northern states all winter long. Sometimes it is not easy to recognize for several days. Your chickens really need a balanced chicken feed with an all flock/flock raiser type feed or layer feed. Scratch has 1/3 of the protein than all flock feed, and hardly any vitamins or minerals. They will live longer and lay better with a balanced feed.

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