Rooster with bleeding legs, very red skin around his tail and feather loss


Nov 2, 2016

Our rooster lost his tail feathers a few weeks ago, now his legs are bleeding at the joins and the skin is very red, here are some pics, he is also quite off balance, but eating well, thanks guys!

The hock sores are from spending too much time on the ground. Looks like he's not been properly mobile for a while now. Lethargy and weakness could be caused by a parasite overload. Treat for worms and mites/lice.
Thanks so much, doing that now- also, the flock have mycoplasma, I wonder if it could be the bones swelling? Should I also treat with antibiotics? One day his poo was very yellow though it's back to normal now,

Most mycoplasma infections cannot be cured with antibiotics. Antibiotics can sometimes help a bird recover from infection, but it is not a cure. For those that survive infection, it's a lifelong condition, and every single new bird that you acquire will be at risk.
If it were my flock, I'd cull, disinfect, and then start over.
They have all probably got it by now, it's been over 6 months since the first bird showed signs of it, mostly everyone is fine, just a bit weaker than normal flock

Thanks x
MG, a type of mycoplasma infection, can greatly reduce egg production and make hens more prone to things like internal laying. It can also affect a rooster's ability to fertilize hens.
While birds can recover from the infection, they are still carriers of it. And if you ever want a flock to be productive, it's best to cull any birds carrying the bacteria.
Thanks so much, doing that now- also, the flock have mycoplasma, I wonder if it could be the bones swelling? Should I also treat with antibiotics? One day his poo was very yellow though it's back to normal now,

I was going to say, those hocks are swollen badly and I don't think that is from hock sitting. The swelling is a sign of a disease, the bleeding and redness likely from the hock sitting. Not sure if it is MS or something else. You can check this site:

Looks like he may have parasites in that second pic. Looks like eggs around the base of the feathers? So, if you are keeping him, I would dust him for poultry lice. The red skin around the abdomen area is normal I think. I have seen it before in roosters especially during breeding season.
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Agree with parasite issues. Dogs will look unthrifty also or mangey so to say. I hate to be San Ballat but it is true that sometimes you must be objective . Culling would be the wisest. You will waste time ,feed and money trying to prop up ill flocks of birds. They won't give you a return for all your effort. I would move the coop to a new area far from that one and white wash that coop if it can be used after this disease ...I am not sure . Some diseases are so bad you have to start over with everything. I have had to ! It really sucks! But I really enjoyed my very healthy flock I raise without disease after that. I harvested big healthy carcasses after 3 years of laying at a rate of 75 %- 80 % and I was so happy. I do not know if these birds can be eaten or not . It is springtime ! I have gotten attached to many new and different breeds while starting my new flock this time. My current Favourite is the Salmon Favorelle.
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) will cause the swollen hocks and skin irritation, but he also has some bumble foot on his toes, which can be staph or E.coli. That can also turn into joint infection. Breast blisters and scabs are common in MS or with anything that causes them to lie on the ground and not roost. If you decide to cull him, that would be a good opportunity to get a necropsy, and find out what it is. Let us know if you need contact info, and the body must be refrigerated.

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