Rooster with raspy breathing...

Ruby Rogue

Free Ranging
Mar 31, 2020
Atlantic Canada
The poor boy has sounded really bad for the last couple of weeks. He has no other symptoms besides a raspy, kinda like rails sound that's only notice when breathing *sometimes*, his crow and chicken noises are a little raspy sounding, and he just seems hoarse.

No one else is exibiting symptoms. I checked his beak for obstructions and worms and there are no obvious signs of any issue. He eats and drinks and acts normal.

I ordered from amazon and administered VetRX last night, a drop in the mouth and rubbed it on his comb and wattles, he almost sounds worse today.

I'm in Canada so medication is not readily available at any farm stores. I could possibly look into a prescription from a vet, but will likely not be having him seen by one.

Anything else I can do for him? And just wondering if this will or could resolve on it's own.
What is the color of his comb? Is it a healthy red? Or is it on the purplish side? That could indicate a serious avian virus that is attacking his organs. There is no cure if that's what this is.

He might have a mild respiratory infection. Mycoplasma g. is very common and often will resolve on its own. It's very similar to a human cold. If it persists or worsens, he would need an antibiotic called Tylosin. You would need to ask a vet for it.

Another possibility is something lodged in his larynx. Pry open his beak and have a look with a strong light in the center of his throat for a foreign object. If you see nothing, it may be something that will work its way out in time.
What is the color of his comb? Is it a healthy red? Or is it on the purplish side? That could indicate a serious avian virus that is attacking his organs. There is no cure if that's what this is.

He might have a mild respiratory infection. Mycoplasma g. is very common and often will resolve on its own. It's very similar to a human cold. If it persists or worsens, he would need an antibiotic called Tylosin. You would need to ask a vet for it.

Another possibility is something lodged in his larynx. Pry open his beak and have a look with a strong light in the center of his throat for a foreign object. If you see nothing, it may be something that will work its way out in time.
Thanks so much for your reply. He looks and acts beautiful and healthy. Bright red comb. I cannot see any obstructions inside of his beak.

I'm hoping it resolves on it's own. Also thinking that administering the VetRX seemed to make it worse hopefully because it's helping him get whatever is in there up.
I now have a hen with the same symptom except she's making a strange honking noise as well as the raspy breathing. No obstructions as far as I can tell.
You may have a respiratory illness starting to go through your flock. It might be wise to consult a vet and ask for some Tylosin soluble powder to treat your flock.
Thank you. I have an acquaintance who is a vet tech, I will be in contact with them to see if this medication is available and what I need to do to acquire it.
Good news and bad news, the rooster seems to be improving, the hen seems better. I gave them a few drops of nutri-drench directly in the beak and I'm sure it's helped.

They can't be seen by a vet or given antibiotics. Another hen is exhibiting symptoms as well as a serious water belly. I probably should have isolated the rooster in the beginning, but I can't change that now.

I have adequate space for my birds, 2 roosting areas, but all my chickens choose to crowd on one side, some sleeping on the poop board, because no one seems to like the silkie I adopted about a year ago, and refuse to sleep by her. I use stall dry on my poop boards, which is dusty and contains DE.

We also have 1 rabbit. I might have caused my own problem by building a rabbit hutch inside my coop. I had adequate ventilation for the birds, but I think adding the rabbit pushed that over the limit. I've removed the rabbit to a different house (mine) and cleaned the coop and hutch.

All of these things could have contributed to the issues, I'm really hoping it's not MG.

I researched water belly watched a how-to video, and tried to drain some of the fluid, but barely anything came out and though it didn't seem to bother her, I don't want to bother her anymore. She's acting and looks very normal, besides just sounding raspy, with the obvious water balloon belly.

Is there anything else I can do for them at the present time?

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