Rooster's crow suddenly sounds weak?


6 Years
May 6, 2013
White Bluff, TN
I just noticed all of a sudden this week that my biggest roo's crow sounds weak, quieter, and higher pitched. He is barely over a year old. Usually his crow is super loud and one of the strongest crows I have ever heard. Now he sounds like a cockerel in puberty or something. What can be causing this? He is acting totally normal otherwise. I am worried he is sick! Any advice will be appreciated!
Don't worry, I doubt he's sick, but there may be a reason for the change. Have there been any weather changes at all? Are they eating anything different? Could he have just strained his voice (don't know if chickens can do that)? Check his throat, just to make sure there is no fowl pox or anything. Otherwise, I would guess he is healthy.

I hope this helps. Best of luck!
This week has been full of severe storms, temps in the 90's, and high humidity. I did notice that at night, the poor birds have been panting and wings dropped on the roost. I have a fan in there to try to at least keep the air circulating, but the weather has been absolutely miserable. I have had to keep the mister on the hose on all day for them to be able to cool off (it also creates a pool of water they like to stand in and hunt worms). I didn't even think about it before, but maybe panting all night and maybe even the fan being on at the same time has dried/irritated his throat.

I didn't even think of that before you mentioned the weather. Does that sound like something that could happen? Thanks for the help!!
The weather has cooled off a bit. Enough for the birds to not be panting so much. I went to the coop tonight to check on the roo. He was not panting and was sleeping normally. However, I got close to listen and could hear what sounds like congestion when he is breathing. I do not know how to describe it other than when you feel that congestion that rattles when you breath and have a cold.

This on top of the change in his voice makes me think it may be something other than the weather. Any ideas?
It certainly could be a respiratory problem. However, I'm not an expert on those, so all I could suggest is trying antibiotics.
This week has been full of severe storms, temps in the 90's, and high humidity. I did notice that at night, the poor birds have been panting and wings dropped on the roost. I have a fan in there to try to at least keep the air circulating, but the weather has been absolutely miserable. I have had to keep the mister on the hose on all day for them to be able to cool off (it also creates a pool of water they like to stand in and hunt worms). I didn't even think about it before, but maybe panting all night and maybe even the fan being on at the same time has dried/irritated his throat.

I didn't even think of that before you mentioned the weather. Does that sound like something that could happen? Thanks for the help!!
Hello! What ended up happening? Was it a sickness? If so how did you treat it? My rooster is showing similar symptoms!
I know this is almost a decade late. But ive had this problem with my chicken. Ill try feeding him garlic and if its something flu related that should sort it out.

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