Roosting age


6 Years
Oct 25, 2013
North Florida
My chicks are about 3 months old and still roost in a ball on the floor. They use the roosts in the daytime but sleep on the floor.
Also I always free range my chickens but wonder if they will return to sleep on the floor or just ball up outside to sleep. Have had many flocks but this bunch is different in behavior and eating. Very picky eaters when all the others ate everything
Anyone have any ideas? thanks
is your roost area dark or is there a window.
Maybe enough light during the day but at dusk, they cant see the roosts.
Otherwise i aggree to train them by placing them on the roosts after dark each night.
They will catch on soon enough.
They have plenty of light, I have been using the coop for several years with in problem. The dogs/coyotes took out my whole flock. I normally free range them.
They should be able to roost from 6 weeks, sometimes earlier. Just manually move them up and they will learn. I know with some flightless (silkie) and heavy breeds, they tend to prefer lower or ground nesting, but these shouldn't and the above can still be trained to perch with dilligence.

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