Rouen or Khaki Campbell?

It seems like rouen ducklings and khaki ducklings look vastly the main types.

But where it gets tricky is you have all these small variant types that not everyone knows about.

Like I was recently told there's like 3 main types of welsh harleys...and then I heard of another British version.

Well if you post the pics I'll help you sort it out with the others.

But I want to say both of these types of ducks are very good. So I don't think it will be a loss on either one. Rouens can get as big as pekings, so some use them for meat. And some say they are sweet. Although khakis get more attention right now for their positive traits.
Picture of the babys


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They look like khaki to me. I have mallard/rouen crosses and they have blue feathers on their wings.

Also, khakis look... browner.

We also have 4 khakis growing. They are about 3 weeks now and super crazy personality. Little jumping beans, I can't wait to see what kind of crazy antics they cause with the flock when they are added. I jokingly call them Hershey, Nestle, Dove, and Godiva... for now, anyway haha

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