Runny Poo in 6 day old chicks

Active babies vs not so active babies


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Who knows. I will also switch to bottled water if something is wrong with my well water. Gonna get my water tested by this weekend. (although the water doesn't bother me or my dogs you never know) it's an older system. It's definitely gotta be something! My Maran chicks who were acting funny the first couple of days have perked up while a couple of my buff chicks who were wired as all hell the first couple of days are now acting lethargic. It's gotta be something.
How are your chicks doing? Did you figure out what was going on? I just got new chicks from a feed store and a couple had runny poop but no pasty butt, but after two days I am seeing more have runny poop. They were vaccinated for Coccidiosis by the hatchery. I'm trying to figure out what could be wrong, if anything?
How are your chicks doing? Did you figure out what was going on? I just got new chicks from a feed store and a couple had runny poop but no pasty butt, but after two days I am seeing more have runny poop. They were vaccinated for Coccidiosis by the hatchery. I'm trying to figure out what could be wrong, if anything?
They are now doing fine! They are 6 and 5 weeks old . Every so often they’ll have runny poos, but usually it looks “normal” . If you give them electrolytes that could explain more runny poo. What are you feeding them ?
They are now doing fine! They are 6 and 5 weeks old . Every so often they’ll have runny poos, but usually it looks “normal” . If you give them electrolytes that could explain more runny poo. What are you feeding them ?
They are eating chick started crumbles mixed with a little medicated chick crumbles. They are drinking water but nothing else at this point. I was thinking of offering a second container of electrolyte/probiotic water
They were vaccinated for Coccidiosis by the hatchery.

They are eating chick started crumbles mixed with a little medicated chick crumbles.
If they were vaccinated for coccidiosis the medicated feed is negating the vaccine. I don't think that's the cause of the runny poop, just mentioning it.

Is the runny poop consistent or just every so often?

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