Sad about re-homing my Roos


Nov 16, 2024
Hey everyone!

I just felt like this was the place to write about my mixed feelings about re-homing my roosters. I knew most of you would understand and maybe offer some guidance! Today I took my best bud, and last roo of mine to a new home. The new home is a farm close by to me (about 40mins). They have chickens, ducks, goats, a pig and of course a dog. 2 weeks ago I brought them 3 of my boys, two BCM and a frizzley guy named Lemon, beautiful, sweet and friendly! I had a good feeling about the farm, the quarantined everyone as they arrived, they seemed to know what they were doing and I left feeling ok about the situation! I then decided my last roo, needed to/might do really well with more room to roam, he can cock-adoodle all day, get crazy with the ladies, etc. I live in a neighborhood, while out of city limits, I feel like my hens alone make enough noise, adding a rooster to the mix makes things even more noisy. Then of course the possibility of babies, hurting my bantams, etc. He is seriously though, the sweetest guy! So after taking him today along with a hen of mine who crowed and was getting a bit aggressive with the other hens, I had this odd sense of why these people were so quick to say yes to so many roosters! I get this feeling that they may auction them off! Then of course my thoughts spiral like omg, are people going to eat them or use them as bait? What have I done to these poor guys!

I contacted the lady via FB message (that is how we have been communicating) and I politely asked her, no reply about it yet and in the beginning I didnt get the idea of this being an issue- they had explained they'd live there and each have enough ladies to keep them busy, they sell eggs, they have a resale shop, etc. Seemed like a great fit, but now I am second guessing myself. I feel like I have been foggy all day today, like I put a pet to rest, it's been an awful feeling. I hope I am very wrong, I just wish she would write back to give me that peace of mind.

Thanks for reading!
:hugs You can only do the best you can do, and at this point what's done is done. Just know that you acted in good faith and hope for the best. I'm sorry I seem to be speaking entirely in clichès but I hope you can trust that you made the best decision you possibly could, and move on.
:hugs You can only do the best you can do, and at this point what's done is done. Just know that you acted in good faith and hope for the best. I'm sorry I seem to be speaking entirely in clichès but I hope you can trust that you made the best decision you possibly could, and move on.
Thanks so much, cliche or not, your comment is very helpful! It'll take time for me to make peace with it, but I will get there!
I feel you, but as BigBlueHen said, you did the best you could. Hopefully the lady will answer soon and put your mind at ease. :hugsThey might just need the roos for breeding if they have a lot of hens and hatch their own chicks :) Or they just enjoy having a bachelor flock!
Thank you! I hope so too! That is my wish for the boys! The people I gave them to have a lot of land- has to be at least 5 acres or more, so I am hoping you are right 😌
I had this odd sense of why these people were so quick to say yes to so many roosters!
A good question that all should ask before they give away animals. Unfortunately the answer for 90% of roosters is probably meat, money, fighting. There's no other logical answer for why someone would just take in anything whatsoever

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