Salmon Faverolles chick


5 Years
Nov 5, 2014
Raleigh, NC
I'll have to check age, but I think this chick is about 4 weeks old. Anyway, I'm wondering how Favorelles develop cause I've read that a chick's tail feathers is a give away if it's a pullet or cockerel. Is it too early to tell for this guy?


Our salmon faverolle chick turned out to be a cockerel, and the first indication we had (at about 4 weeks) was that his chest feathers were getting darker as they came in. He is about 8 weeks now and his chest is completely black...but he's getting so handsome!
I'll have to check age, but I think this chick is about 4 weeks old. Anyway, I'm wondering how Favorelles develop cause I've read that a chick's tail feathers is a give away if it's a pullet or cockerel. Is it too early to tell for this guy?

It's a pullet. You can see the creamy chest feathers.
First, I apologize for not posting in the right section. Just completely messed that up. Second, I was kinda hoping it was a cockerel cause of our other favorelle male being taken from a (what we believe to be) a raccoon. We're happy either way, but was just curious what others thought lol.

If you want to take a trip to MA I can give you a bunch of Fav cockerels to choose from!
If you want to take a trip to MA I can give you a bunch of Fav cockerels to choose from!

If only it were that simple! Lol... We're thinking about holding off on getting a different cockerel till spring. So sad to have 5 of our MyPetChicken chicks taken last month, including the one cockerel we ordered.
Lots of predators here this year too. Lost one to a fox, raccoon got 2 and severely injured a third, and a fisher killed 2 ducks this past weekend. To top it off a Cooper's hawk has been making regular patrols now.
Geez. So sorry to hear that. We've got electrical fence stuff that we're wanting to put up since we lost our 5 chicks. We're hoping that'll deter any future predators.
Hot wire is on the list to get, once other bills get paid. Should keep out everything but the hawks.

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