Salt settling pools...? Converting saltwater to garden water question


Mar 28, 2020
So ... I ran into this video. Its about trying to farm with salt water.

And also, in Delta Utah, a hundred plus years ago people settled in Delta Utah which gets salty water from the Sevier Revier and Sevier Lake. It was too salty to farm with originally. So what they did was they built canals with settling pools in them. So the water flows from one pool to the next, and with each pool the salt settles out until they can have it work enough to still be able to farm with. (A lot of Utah is dry farming).

Anyway... this idea of salt settling pools. I keep wondering if someone has tried this idea with ocean water? In theory, it could work if you had enough pools to settle the salt with... its just a question of how many you'd need to channel stuff through? At least that's my theory?

I'm curious if others have heard of others trying stuff like this? And how this could be worked out?

In theory, people could build gravity fed, salt settling pools as a mass desalinization plant.

You see, ... no matter where you go if you want to grow stuff be it farming or agriculture you always need water. And its always somehow an issue. If you have water you can build. Without clean water you can't. And in spite of how big this country is and how much water it has people still fight over the resources including water. People always have trouble sharing. (Figures right?)

And something interesting... there's a desalinization plant in ARIZONA of all places! But its not being used because CA can't share water and won't; which could serve all the growth needs of Pheonix and Arizona forever if they'd just basically let Arizona build a canal to the ocean. They won't. And Arizona is supposed to run out of water at some point entirely within like...I thought someone quoted it as 2 1/2 decades from now? Anyway AZ has a fragile water set up (so do other southwest states). And yet tons of people keep pouring into the Phoenix area. The irony is this desalinization plant could solve it, but somehow people always find reasons not to do it instead of being willing to work it (because we're actually in a predator economy and not a cooperation economy; this is why the middle class is dying out; Predatorism). And another irony is that it would be easier and probably cheaper to build a canal to AZ from MEXICO than California. (Absurd isn't it...)

The issue seems to always be predators run things and that we're in a predator economy; reasons why we need to get back to faith and believe in a nation under God based on liberty.

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