8mo-ish old Easter Egger hen. Found her about 2 weeks ago laying down one morning outside. She was unwilling/unable to walk/stand up. I separated her from the group and took a look at her: no obvious injury, no obvious broken bones, no blood or wounds: her right leg looked a bit swollen around the metatarsal joints but she let me palpate and move it and didn't seem bothered. She was completely unremarkable-appearing otherwise, sits sternally recumbant with no issue, isn't floppy, etc...it was literally like her feet didn't work. I put her in the Hen Hospital, where she ate and drank and defecated normally. I figured she might have gotten squished by one of our roosters and decided to observe her.
My husband and I then had to head abroad and told our farm sitter to keep an eye on her. By all reports she was improving, starting to stand and walk around a bit. When we came back, however, she was standing and walking but really awkwardly, "goose-stepping" to get around. The joints in her toes appear frozen and can't be moved or flexed hardly at all. Her tarsal joints (both) are really inflamed and she has some scales popping off because of it. She's otherwise acting completely normally but I can't imagine this is comfortable.
Google is making me think I'm dealing with mycoplasma synovae. These chicks were all vaccinated for Marek's. I'm thinking I need to cull her if for no other reason than her comfort but before I do I wanted to post here and see if anyone had any thoughts.
My husband and I then had to head abroad and told our farm sitter to keep an eye on her. By all reports she was improving, starting to stand and walk around a bit. When we came back, however, she was standing and walking but really awkwardly, "goose-stepping" to get around. The joints in her toes appear frozen and can't be moved or flexed hardly at all. Her tarsal joints (both) are really inflamed and she has some scales popping off because of it. She's otherwise acting completely normally but I can't imagine this is comfortable.
Google is making me think I'm dealing with mycoplasma synovae. These chicks were all vaccinated for Marek's. I'm thinking I need to cull her if for no other reason than her comfort but before I do I wanted to post here and see if anyone had any thoughts.
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