Scissor beak with a new beak injury and being tube fed.


5 Years
Jun 7, 2019
Hello, I have a 10 month old severe scissor beak that I have had to feed since she was two weeks old. She injured her beak two days ago. I am keeping it clean and applying antibiotic ointment per the vet. I am now tube feeding as she wouldn’t eat any other way. My question is, do I need to add grit to her mash? She laid her first egg 3 days ago and her 2nd today. How many times per day do I feed her. Currently 60ml at a time 4 times per day. She is thin though that’s why I’m concerned with needing grit. Thank you
Hello, I have a 10 month old severe scissor beak that I have had to feed since she was two weeks old. She injured her beak two days ago. I am keeping it clean and applying antibiotic ointment per the vet. I am now tube feeding as she wouldn’t eat any other way. My question is, do I need to add grit to her mash? She laid her first egg 3 days ago and her 2nd today. How many times per day do I feed her. Currently 60ml at a time 4 times per day. She is thin though that’s why I’m concerned with needing grit. Thank you
I wouldn't add grit to tube feeding, that's basically a liquid diet.

Grit is used in the Gizzard to grind up foods to help with digestion - corn, grains, etc.
Grit generally would not be a reason why a bird is not gaining weight, it has no nutritional value, it's just rock (crushed granite).

Rule of thumb for crop feeding is for adults, feed 3ml per 100grams up to every 6 hours. For juveniles, feed 10% of body weight several times a day.
Thank you for the information. I read that they should have grit for proper digestion and it got me a bit worried as she’s never had any. She has been fed mash since two weeks old. She appears very healthy just a bit slim. The beak injury has set her back a bit but she’s doing better. She also has some sinus issues as one side of her beak is deformed. She goes everywhere with me. Has her own stroller and lives in the house. I just love her and I'm trying to keep her happy and comfortable for as long as she not in pain. She’s best friends with our cat. It’s hilarious to watch them run after each other and play.

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