Scrunched duck


Aug 8, 2024
We have a female duck we’ve had her for a about 2 weeks my husband brought her home from a feed store she was the only one left they didn’t tell him how old she was or even what breed of duck she’s definitely isn’t a duckling but doesn’t look full grown either I’ve been doing research but can’t seem to tell the difference I don’t even know if she’s really a girl 😂 I just looked it up and it said if she has a freckled bill it’s a female but Anyways she’s been loud and like to run around and follow me around and occasionally try and get my feet but today I found her scrunched up and she just walks around like that usually when I try to pick her up she kicks her legs and tries to run but she was calm she still eating a drinking water should I be concerned ? She’s inside for now in a
Large bird cage but she free roams during the day she goes in the cage at night we are going coop shopping tomorrow


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@SilverBirds you said everything I was going to say 😂

I agree, Muscovy, 4 weeks old.

I’m not sure what you mean by scrunched up..? What’s her diet?

Yes, please do get her a ducky friend, if this is your only duck. It’s easier to raise 2 than 1, and they need a ducky friend to be truly happy.

I’d also recommend building your own coop rather than shopping for a pre-made one.. Pre-made coops are usually small, expensive, and not predator proof.
I think she is a Muscovy duck around 4-5 weeks old. What is her diet? Does she have access to water that she can submerge her entire head in? How does her poop look?

Ducks are very social flock animals and are happiest with their own kind. Do you plan on getting any more ducks?
Cool ! & Thanks Yes we were actually going to go around other feed stores this weekend and see if we can find her a friend I had read that somewhere that they need a companion but we have have a rectangular deep bucket we fill up for her but shell drink from it instead but her round water bowl she’ll sit in her diet for right now has been lettuce , millworms , peas & a little bell pepper as for her poop is looking watery and black it wasn’t like that before we are getting her more supplies tomorrow and duck pellet we were just waiting on my husband to get paid to get her fully set up and comfortable
Cool ! & Thanks Yes we were actually going to go around other feed stores this weekend and see if we can find her a friend I had read that somewhere that they need a companion but we have have a rectangular deep bucket we fill up for her but shell drink from it instead but her round water bowl she’ll sit in her diet for right now has been lettuce , millworms , peas & a little bell pepper as for her poop is looking watery and black it wasn’t like that before we are getting her more supplies tomorrow and duck pellet we were just waiting on my husband to get paid to get her fully set up and comfortable
The reason she is scrunched up is because of her diet. That isn’t enough to sustain a duck. When you get her the duck pellets I would recommend picking up a poultry vitamin complex. I like Poultry Cell because it is pretty comprehensive, but really any poultry vitamin you can find at the store with B vitamins at this point should at least help. Durvets B complex is another good one that is actually labeled for livestock, but can be given to ducks at 1ml daily.
Cool ! & Thanks Yes we were actually going to go around other feed stores this weekend and see if we can find her a friend I had read that somewhere that they need a companion but we have have a rectangular deep bucket we fill up for her but shell drink from it instead but her round water bowl she’ll sit in her diet for right now has been lettuce , millworms , peas & a little bell pepper as for her poop is looking watery and black it wasn’t like that before we are getting her more supplies tomorrow and duck pellet we were just waiting on my husband to get paid to get her fully set up and comfortable
If you get her a friend, I would try and get another Muscovy. They are actually a different species from other domestic duck breeds and have different requirements, such as being able to roost.

It sounds like her diet is what's causing the problems. Ducks, especially growing ones, need a complete diet in the form of pellets or crumbles to get all the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow strong.
The reason she is scrunched up is because of her diet. That isn’t enough to sustain a duck. When you get her the duck pellets I would recommend picking up a poultry vitamin complex. I like Poultry Cell because it is pretty comprehensive, but really any poultry vitamin you can find at the store with B vitamins at this point should at least help. Durvets B complex is another good one that is actually labeled for livestock, but can be given to ducks at 1ml daily.
I figured that’s what it was we will do just that thank you guys for the kind help !!
@SilverBirds you said everything I was going to say 😂

I agree, Muscovy, 4 weeks old.

I’m not sure what you mean by scrunched up..? What’s her diet?

Yes, please do get her a ducky friend, if this is your only duck. It’s easier to raise 2 than 1, and they need a ducky friend to be truly happy.

I’d also recommend building your own coop rather than shopping for a pre-made one.. Pre-made coops are usually small, expensive, and not predator proof.
I think the muscovy female may be more than 4 weeks with all those feathers. She might be 6 weeks. But as foljs above have said she needs a healthy duck diet and muscovy companionship.

She can eat duck crumbles or pellets from the feed store. She can eat dried mealworms, defrosted frozen peas chopped watermelon as healthy treats. Until she us ourside foraging, she needs chick grit in a bowl on the side. Once she has access to the earth outside, she will nolonger need grit providing.

As her diet has been deficient, I would add, of preference, Rooster Booster Poultry Cell to her drinking water. 1oz in 4quarts/4 liters of water. If she shows any sign of difficulty walking give her Durvet high level Vit B Complex, 1ml daily soaked into a few mealworms. Stand and watch her eat the dose.

Companions: its always best to have 3 ducks so that if analyzing happens tobone you are not left with one acutely depressed bereaved duck. I agree 100%, she needs muscovy companions as oither domestic ducks speak a differwen
t ducky language.

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