Sebastopol geese via momma hatched and not incubator hatched.

Mar 24, 2022
We raise chickens turkeys and geese. We've pretty much figured out nesting behaviors of chickens and turkeys but our geese are having a rough time of it. I know first year Sebastopol egg laying is usually a wash but we did get one super healthy adorable little girl to hatch out. I can hatch them out just fine in the house because I'm super dedicated to my egg babies and turn them 6 times a day and spray all the time. We'd like for the geese to be able to hatch their own babies out. We have a real problem with rodents getting into the nesting area The chickens don't seem to have any problems, even though rats get into the run. We discovered allowing the turkeys to lay the eggs on a platform with sides makes them really happy and they are way above any rodents. Baby turkeys fly at a very young age- they always do okay. But the geese have 2 large pens each with a large attached roofed area out of rain and wind and elements. It's dry with lots of straw. The only way to keep rats from bothering the eggs and babies is to close off the area with a door, but the birds need to be able to access their pools to breed and they enjoy swimming daily. There has got a be a good design conducive to motherhood for geese but I have not stumbled upon it. I have been tempted to literally dig up the entire goose pen run and lay down wire mesh and then recover it with the river rock to keep rats from digging in. But I also know they'll take the method of least resistance and if need be they'll gnaw their way into the night sheds. I would love it if anyone has any proven methods which works. The eggs and babies need to be protected. We are continually killing off generations of rats, but lets face it the more we kill the more move in from the woods. Its an unending process. I'd appreciate any feedback and help from someone a bit more experienced with geese than me.
When I tried to let my geese hatch their own eggs they kept going missing. Not sure where or why. Geese are pretty tenacious and protective. I've had better luck hatching the eggs under Bantam hens and giving them back to the geese to raise.

The rats we use a poison bait box when we see signs of them. It's the only thing that stops them.
I have been working at getting my Sebastopols happy and ready to nest for this up and coming hatch season. I have watched videos all winter long on domestic goose nest building. I found one video that I am modifying to work for us. It entails having one private corner which can be closed off from other geese. Ours tend to nest as a small family group though. The nest itself needs to be in a clean corner. Your need 4 - 4X4 untreated pieces of wood to make a flat box. Not 2X4 but 4X4's. Make sure no screw heads are sticking out anywhere on your next box. I use and L bracket in each corner outside and deep set the screws deep.
Then there are three layers that are placed within the box. It was recommended to use slightly damp dirt for the bottom layer. But momma is going to sit on this one area for about a month. I am using coconut coir and expanding it with sterile water (I boil it hard and let it cool) and then drying it enough to simply be moist and pliable. The entire bottom gets a couple inches of this because the birds love to bury their eggs and coconut coir is sterile and soft. The next layer is fine pine wood shaving litter. Don't use cedar. Birds react to it poorly. Use another inch and a half or so. And the final layer is fresh clean straw. If it's moldy straw your eggs could rot instead of thrive. The broody hen will certainly rearrange it all to her own liking. I am also making sure the girls have plenty of fresh clean calcium grit to make strong eggshells. and lots of fresh greens 3-4 times a day. There's not much to forage for right now anyway. I have read that all water fowl prefers to breed in water (not sure if this is true) so while they build and fill the nesting area I'm making sure they have access to the pond too.

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