Senior Chicken Who Is Thin and Not Acting Like Her Normal Self

She has not had a bad day in a while now!!! I still would like to put some more weight on her, but I think it will come back this spring when I let them outside to look for bugs. Thanks for all you help!! I appreciate it!
Thats amazing!
Thank you so much for this!!! She is doing much better and while I am still working on putting weight on her, she hasn't had a lethargic day in a while! She is actually right now one of my perkiest hens even amidst the freezing -10-degree weather we had this past week.

After losing one of my hens to sour crop this past summer, I have been putting 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into their 5-gallon waterer to try to prevent sour crop issues from arising again, but I am still going to be proactive with all my hens.

Thank you so much again!!!
You're very welcome!! I'm so glad to hear it helped, she sounds exactly like how my hen was before and after sour crop treatment. It makes me very happy to see my little hen running around again after so long of being low energy. Hurray for your hen!!

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