Serama Eggs! ~ Pics!


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
North Carolina
I've gotten about a dozen so far and three look like this:


The "big" egg is a bantam cochin's.


I used a syringe to suck out the contents. There was no yolk.
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Those three tiny eggs remind me of the very last egg my old RIR lay before she flew off up yonder to chicken heaven. There wasn't even a fart inside her tiny last egg. Ol' Hennt-Penny is lying amongst my Iris garden now.
Really no yolk in the serama eggs? Mine started laying about a month ago. I get an egg every day and so far a yolk in every one. They make the cutest fried egg.
I'm having the same problem,my serama lays and no yolk in none of them? the shells are healthy I feed her good. feedings consists of shells,corn,wheat,laying mash,fresh water. my girl has been laying about 14 days now.anybody know something about this or is it she's just no good for the eggs. I'm not interested in getting rid of her. she is a frizzle with a smooth roo
thank you

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