Seven months old-ish, more boys than I thought (?)


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2024
Hello everyone, some months ago I posted my baby chickens, of which some are brahma and now they're waaaay bigger so maybe you can help me figure because I am unsure of how many are boys. The only one I'm quite sure it's the girl, it's number 4. They are beautiful and giant, and I love them, but I need to decide how to proceed with getting more brahma :)
Thanks everyone for your insights! Here they are:




Long, pointed saddle and hackle feathers mean roo. Rounded feathers mean hen. This isn't the same for all chicken breeds, but most.
Hello everyone, some months ago I posted my baby chickens, of which some are brahma and now they're waaaay bigger so maybe you can help me figure because I am unsure of how many are boys. The only one I'm quite sure it's the girl, it's number 4. They are beautiful and giant, and I love them, but I need to decide how to proceed with getting more brahma :)
Thanks everyone for your insights! Here they are:

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All Brahmas pictured are Cockerels.
#3 is 100% a cockerel. It's hard to tell from the photos but it also looks like #1 and #2 have pointy shiny hackles and saddle feathers. But I'm seeing the same male specific feathering in #4 and you said you're sure its a pullet (are you getting eggs?) so maybe it's a trick of the light.
I was looking at #1 and seeing pointy-looking feathers too, but I don't see them in #2 and #4. But my eyes aren't the best 🤣

Are any laying eggs yet?
Thanks everyone! No eggs yet, no crowing yet so I have no actual confirmation. However since the general consensus is they are an all boy squad, I will start to balance my flock, need more girls anyway.

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