Sex Link or Midnight Majesty???


Jun 29, 2023
Milford, DE
One of these were sold to me as a Black Sex Link pullet and the other a Midnight Majesty Maran pullet but im not sure which is which?? Can anyone clarify?? Also, are they both in fact pullets? Approximately 4 weeks old give or take. Thank you 💜


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One of these were sold to me as a Black Sex Link pullet and the other a Midnight Majesty Maran pullet but im not sure which is which?? Can anyone clarify?? Also, are they both in fact pullets? Approximately 4 weeks old give or take. Thank you 💜
The black one looks like a MMM (feathered feet, black, marans coloring), the white barred one looks like a barred rock. Unfortunately it also looks like a cockerel. It's not super pink, but that's a significant amount of comb growth for 4 weeks. In a few more weeks it should be beyond doubt. Post again in two weeks if you're still not sure.
Not sure I have the news you want, but...

The solid black chick looks like a Midnight Marans pullet.

And the barred chick is a cockerel black sex link- if that's what you purchased.

One of each!

Look like healthy little fellas!
This is actually exactly what I have suspected, but was confused about the breed because I thought I remembered the girl at TSC saying the black sex link would be all black, but I knew from research that the all black one doesn't look like a sex link. Both were sold as pullets, but I have suspected the barred one is a cockerel instead. Thank you. There's no end to the learning for sure!
The black one looks like a MMM (feathered feet, black, marans coloring), the white barred one looks like a barred rock. Unfortunately it also looks like a cockerel. It's not super pink, but that's a significant amount of comb growth for 4 weeks. In a few more weeks it should be beyond doubt. Post again in two weeks if you're still not sure.
A purebred male barred rock would be lighter
Im thinking black sex link marans. I was sold some labeled as MMMs but as they have gotten older, the females are all black (no copper coloring on their necks) and the male was barred.

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