Sexing week old


May 27, 2022
Hi! We got 4 chicks one week ago on April 4th, probably born on the 2-3rdish. We got 2 OE and 2 wyandottes.

I’ve noticed one of the OE, the smaller of the 2 has developed some tail feather and has longer wing feathers than all the others. None of the others have tail feathers yet and wings are all noticeably shorter. I recently saw people sexing based off that. I’m curious if anyone has wyandottes and if they just develop slower than other breeds. I’m really hoping o don’t have 3/4 Roos and will get more before they stop getting shipments.


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Such cuties! Gonna take another 4 to 5 weeks though for a more accurate prediction. I have gold and silver laced. To me they grow slower than the other breeds I have which are production reds and blacks. I have noticed in general, that pullets tend to get tail feathers faster. I also noticed my Wyandotte ladies got bright red combs and wattles early on too and had me praying daily they weren't cockerels.
Such cuties! Gonna take another 4 to 5 weeks though for a more accurate prediction. I have gold and silver laced. To me they grow slower than the other breeds I have which are production reds and blacks. I have noticed in general, that pullets tend to get tail feathers faster. I also noticed my Wyandotte ladies got bright red combs and wattles early on too and had me praying daily they weren't cockerels.
Thanks! Oh boy looks like I’ll be stressing for a couple weeks haha

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