Shaking heads


5 Years
Aug 9, 2019
Central Wisconsin
5 of my hens just started shaking their heads
And scratching the neck. It is more than preening. Seems like they got something in their ears or something is bugging them. I didn't see any bugs or mites.
I do have elector psp.
It is super cold here too so not the best time to treat. It's negative 2 degree F.
I do use heat. The ones shaking heads have no sign of Frostbite.
Would the mites be invisible?
Augh this has been a tough year for us. Lost 2 older birds to impacted crops.
we did a recently thorough cleaning! New bedding and we sprayed the coop with permethrin. Aired it out- just in case.
I haven't used elector before and didn't spray that.
What causes head shaking?
I am stumped!
Do you have a video of it?

I've had head shaking with a couple of silkies along the years, and it's neurological/vitamin deficiency. I treated them with Vit E and a little scrambled eggs for the selenium. I did this for weeks and it did help a little but not 100%. One is now two years old and still does it, but she lays eggs just fine. :)

In case of mites, Permethrin comes in a powder that you could dust them all with.
Do you have a video of it?

I've had head shaking with a couple of silkies along the years, and it's neurological/vitamin deficiency. I treated them with Vit E and a little scrambled eggs for the selenium. I did this for weeks and it did help a little but not 100%. One is now two years old and still does it, but she lays eggs just fine. :)

In case of mites, Permethrin comes in a powder that you could dust them all with.
So I just went in there with my husband and dusted each one
Will see how they do tomorrow.
I have one heat lamp and once I turned it off they settled down
So I just went in there with my husband and dusted each one
Will see how they do tomorrow.
I have one heat lamp and once I turned it off they settled down
They should appreciate the heat in this weather!

Could the bulb perhaps be the issue? Like I know some can have teflon in them.

In the coops we've got heaters, but the outdoor pen hutches have Cozy Coop flat panel heaters in those. They work great!
They should appreciate the heat in this weather!

Could the bulb perhaps be the issue? Like I know some can have teflon in them.

In the coops we've got heaters, but the outdoor pen hutches have Cozy Coop flat panel heaters in those. They work great!
I have one lamp still on - its a ceramic bulb so no light
Tomorrow I will replace the red light to a ceramic bulb. They have 2 heat lamps.
It was pretty cozy in there. I closed the coop door and left one lamp on
I have one lamp still on - its a ceramic bulb so no light
Tomorrow I will replace the red light to a ceramic bulb. They have 2 heat lamps.
It was pretty cozy in there. I closed the coop door and left one lamp on
We use the black ceramic bulbs in our brooders so that way there's no light on at night. That should do the trick!

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