She thinks she's a roo?? Or is she just being a bully?


Nov 5, 2023
Sulphur Springs Texas
Ok so I have 6 Golden sexlink hens 3 Easter eggers and 2 barred rocks I got in April 2023 as baby chicks. Then I added a true green whiting an Ameraucana and a Blue Splash Marans I got as pullets in September they are 5 and 6 months old now. The other day one of my sexlinks Hai Hai was on top of my BSM (Matilda) and 2 of my other sexlinks were on either side pecking Matilda as Hai Hai was what looked like humping Matilda. So I took all 3 and placed them in another coop/ run. Well next thing I know Hai Hai is doing the same thing to one of the other sex links. So I put the other two back with my flock and kept Hai Hai separate for 2 days. Now while she is separated everything is calm and peaceful in the main coop/run. Today I put Hai Hai back in with the flock and it wasn't even 10 minutes and she is on top of Matilda again. So I separated her again from the flock. WHAT IN THE WORLD! Advise please I don't want to get rid of her but don't want any of my girls being bullied. Also I am waiting for a roo to get big enough to go in with the girls he is 2 months old right now. I have a 6x 8 coop and a 8x 24 run. Thanks for your advice.


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I had a RIR hen doing similar,,, but not very often. I did not see any other hens assisting in that behavior.
My thoughts;
Just like certain people having problems identifying with their gender ,,, same can be in the animal world.:idunno
As long as your Matilda, does not suffer injuries,,, just disregard. If Matilda does sustain injuries, and missing many feathers,,, then separate HaiHai .
You may consider doing it (removing from site of flock) for a duration of over 1 week. This way,,, when HaiHai returns,,,, she will be seen as a newcomer,,,,,,, thus being seen as lowest in the pecking order, initially. I know they work their way up the ladder,,,,, but HaiHai will have to contend with whole flock,, rather than just focusing on Matilda.
If activity continues,, consider getting a Chicken Apron for Matilda.
You can make one yourself if you have extra cloth, or even a small towel.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Ok so I have 6 Golden sexlink hens 3 Easter eggers and 2 barred rocks I got in April 2023 as baby chicks. Then I added a true green whiting an Ameraucana and a Blue Splash Marans I got as pullets in September they are 5 and 6 months old now. The other day one of my sexlinks Hai Hai was on top of my BSM (Matilda) and 2 of my other sexlinks were on either side pecking Matilda as Hai Hai was what looked like humping Matilda. So I took all 3 and placed them in another coop/ run. Well next thing I know Hai Hai is doing the same thing to one of the other sex links. So I put the other two back with my flock and kept Hai Hai separate for 2 days. Now while she is separated everything is calm and peaceful in the main coop/run. Today I put Hai Hai back in with the flock and it wasn't even 10 minutes and she is on top of Matilda again. So I separated her again from the flock. WHAT IN THE WORLD! Advise please I don't want to get rid of her but don't want any of my girls being bullied. Also I am waiting for a roo to get big enough to go in with the girls he is 2 months old right now. I have a 6x 8 coop and a 8x 24 run. Thanks for your advice.

that's a part of establishing pecking order. it happens mostly when there is no roo around. marans are low in pecking order.
if you can get a roo and they will stop. I had that happen when I didn't have a roo for a short time (had 2 and butchered both).

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