Shell-less egg


Nov 24, 2023
Southern Wisconsin
A bit over a week ago I posted about my hen who laid a huge egg. Around two days after the HUGE egg she laid a more normal only slightly large egg. But last night she laid a shell-less egg. She is still acting normal but I'm just a bit concerned about her. All three of my hens get starter grower crumble with plenty of oyster shells and grit on the side. They only get occasional black soldier fly larvae and kitchen scraps. Is this anything to worry about or should we just keep monitoring her?
It she was mine, I'd go ahead and give her calcium citrate with D3. Generic brand is fine- you can find it at pharmacy or grocery stores. Just pull down on her wattles and pop the pill in. Give her one pill for 5-7 days. The extra calcium should help with the shell less eggs but also contractions since she's been laying abnormally large eggs.

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