Short Outside Exploring?

Just thinking out loud (no experience) but maybe its a good idea to take the 4 weeks old outside and keep the two weeks old inside on cold days for a another week or 2.
I definitely want to keep the littles inside, but I only have 1 heater... not sure how the older ones would fare- and I need to get my coop put together I finally got it delivered on monday.
If I get their coop up and going can all of them stay with the brooder heater at night/ full time?- including the 2 week old chicks? I love hearing them peep, but the smell is getting to my family and I change their bedding every 2-3 days. and the oldest are looking at getting out of their brooder.. I fully expect to find at least 1 outside in my son's room when I get home today.
If the coop is assembled and the heat source can be moved outside with them, yes they can all go out immediately. I brood outdoors in a no-clean set up as soon as I get the chicks, with a heating pad as the heat source. My latest batch:
My chicks are 7 days old. They are starting to get wing tip feathers. Temperatures in Oklahoma are running low 75 - highs 100. Going to start them outside today. In brooder box today with lots of water and food. Have a large metal cage that I am going to put chicken wire around the outside and open bottom (original openings on bottom) so the grass can come through the bottom so they can scratch around. Any thoughts? Thanks!
My chicks are 7 days old. They are starting to get wing tip feathers. Temperatures in Oklahoma are running low 75 - highs 100. Going to start them outside today. In brooder box today with lots of water and food. Have a large metal cage that I am going to put chicken wire around the outside and open bottom (original openings on bottom) so the grass can come through the bottom so they can scratch around. Any thoughts? Thanks!
If it's on the hotter side of that range make sure there's some area of shade they can shelter in to cool off.
All day shade! They are so funny! A grasshopper jumped into the cage and they went wild! Lmbo! Think they are excited! I put two sticks in for roosts and a couple tried and got up there! Thanks for the reply!
Yeah nothing kicks off a game of keep away like a wayward bug. :D Like a moth flew into my run this morning just as I was bringing the chickens breakfast, so instead of a big group happy to see me at the gate, there were about 5 birds chasing 1 off in the corner all to try and grab a mouthful of yummy bug bits.

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