Should I Allow Two Hens to Go Broody Together?


Feb 20, 2021
I'm hatching eggs and would like one of my hens to raise them. The problem is that there are 14 eggs and even though not all 14 may hatch I'm worried that my hen might not be able to raise them all with no fatalities even though shes a buff orpington and they are supposed to be good mothers.
Cobrooding works for some, but has frequently resulted in problems for me. A standard sized hen can readily care for that many chicks - especially this time of year.
Its the best way for my games and game bantams. They’ll raise the brood together. However you want them sharing the same nest. If they have two separate nests next to each other they have a tendency to steal each other’s eggs.

The most I’ve had go broody at once in the same nest was 4.
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I have a team of bantam Cochins (4) that all like to brood together. Currently only 3 are broody. I usually divide the eggs between 2 nests and they share the load. The only way to know is to try it out.

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