Should I ask for a refund? eBay eggs quality and fertility does NOT look good.

Seller is only responsable for fertility not hatchability....
I agree with you, to a certain extent. They should have packaged it securely enough to ensure the eggs arrived as safe as possible, not nilly-willy with some cardboard, tissues, and a thin layer of bubble wrap. I will also crack the 3 eggs tomorrow to see if they have been fertilized or not... hopefully the blastoderm has not disintegrated
Hatchability drops after 10 days, but not significantly after 5 days - after all, most hens lay an egg a day until they reach 10-14 before they start incubating them, where the oldest eggs are sometimes 14 days or older. No, it's not that, it's more likely the postage was rough which is not the seller's fault at all. What COULD have been improved on the seller's behalf was that they wrapped the eggs better and included a 'fragile' label or sticker which they did not do (I also replied to another post). It was a single layer of bubble wrap around eggs wrapped in tissue in an egg carton.
Those eggs were most likely at least 4 days old when they got to you, possibly even 5 or 6 depending on shipping time and how long it took to gather them. Add on the 5 days they waited to be put under a hen, and that is at least 9 days most likely, but possibly 10 or 11.
Those eggs were most likely at least 4 days old when they got to you, possibly even 5 or 6 depending on shipping time and how long it took to gather them. Add on the 5 days they waited to be put under a hen, and that is at least 9 days most likely, but possibly 10 or 11.
Plus if there were no stickers, they very likely were Xrayed and put on trucks that spend lots of time in the cold since lots of shipping trucks don't have heated backs
I agree with you, to a certain extent. They should have packaged it securely enough to ensure the eggs arrived as safe as possible, not nilly-willy with some cardboard, tissues, and a thin layer of bubble wrap. I will also crack the 3 eggs tomorrow to see if they have been fertilized or not... hopefully the blastoderm has not disintegrated
Thats ebay for you. Lol ive tried once got scammed never again. People lie to make a sale. Most of the time eggs are old or not even fertile
Interesting! The eggs I bought last time which were 12 Easter eggs did quite well in the incubator, but I actually fretted that a broody hen would have been better! I wonder why an incubator is better?
That said, THAT seller did a much better job of packaging the eggs, and the eggs had really good thick shells I had trouble candling. I would never consider asking a seller for a partial refund if they did a good job packaging/did everything on their end to make sure the eggs arrived safely, even if no eggs's just that this seller didn't do it.
Shipped eggs have been shaken, so they need to be incubated in a more stabilized position than a hen.
You can leave a review for poor packaging but eggs don't qualify for money back or returns.
Shipped eggs have been shaken, so they need to be incubated in a more stabilized position than a hen.
You can leave a review for poor packaging but eggs don't qualify for money back or returns.
Doesn't poor packaging negate the quality of the eggs be because no matter how fertile the eggs were, the seller ruined them by packaging them poorly? Most sellers would much rather refund 15-30% of the total costs than have a bad review/feedback. I'm not asking for a complete refund, that's not right, but a percentage that reflects the seller's percentage of responsibility and subsequent failure to get the eggs shipped safely, as should be in their job description
No. Shipped eggs are a gamble with no guarantee. Shipped eggs also do better in an incubator.
I sell fertile eggs on ebay. If I have eggs 4 days and older I make breakfast with them. USPS Priority shipping is horrendous on fertile eggs. I have replaced eggs for my buyers because 11 and 14 days in delivery is unacceptable but not my fault. My buyers always come back. Packed like it was a family member in that box. To get USPS to pay for broken eggs is next to 0. Order close to home, watch the weather and holidays on a Monday. That adds days to an eggs viability. Order on a Monday and pick up at PO. No one can say they are fertilized only God can do that. Check sellers reviews.

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