Should I help the chick?


Apr 22, 2024
Hey so I'm on day 20 and this egg pipped like 12h ago, other eggs that pipped later after this one already hatched, I still have other eggs in there but this one in particular worrying me, Shou I help it by opening that small hole a little more?

Note: I see no movement


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Helping a chick can be risky, but if you manage to do it successfully, it has its benefits.
You could hurt the chick more by helping it, but also you could save it's life in doing so.

Really, it depends. I know this isn't much help, but it's all I have to offer :)
Update: I saw movement and the hole is bigger now but seems the chick not able to penetrate the inner layer


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I've noticed if the membrane is turning brown or tan. You need to step in. I help in a steamy hot bathroom. The article I sent will help you help it. I use tweezers and pick at shell slowly. Let the chick help you out if it can, it will make it stronger!
:welcome Your only on day 20 and its only been pipped for 12 hrs. They can take 24hrs or longer to hatch after external pip. I would be patient.

Before they hatch a chick needs to absorb the yolk and dry up blood vessels in the membrane surrounding it. Some chicks do a lot of this before external pip and hatch fairly soon of after they external pip. Some wait until they external pip to do most of this and can take a long time to hatch. These can be frustrating.

Typically the chick makes a small hole in the eggshell and breaks through the membrane, like yours did. Then it sits there getting ready to zip. When it is ready it zips a line around the egg and pushes the shell apart. Zip often happens fairly quickly once it starts but occasionally one will stop to rest partway through. That is hard work.

I'd leave the incubator closed so the humidity doesn't drop and dry out that membrane and be patient.

Good luck!

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