Should I be proactive and trap the fox? (and kill it...)
Should I assume that my run/coop is fine and that the predator will never figure out how to get in? And therefore I would not trap (and kill) the fox? Once I trap and kill it there will probably be more foxes - I live in a semi-wooded area next to a small creek.
We have a predator which I'm pretty sure is a fox that keeps getting into our fenced back yard. It has been leaving scat regularly along our berm (like there's ten large piles back there, one after the other, filled with beautyberry seeds and insect parts mainly). The berm is about 25 feet from our open air coop/run. My son has gotten up before dawn to watch the rooster crow and the hens wake up, and has seen a fox in that area. Also I know we have racoons, but I don't think it's a racoon because of the diameter and amount of scat, and the digging that the predator is doing.
We have an open air coop/run (basically a greenhouse frame with hardware cloth over the entire thing with a 3 ft hardware cloth apron, covered by a translucent tarp) and keep finding spots where something has dug a roughly 4-5" diameter area and uncovered the hardware cloth. We'd go out in the morning, and a spot of mulch would be disturbed. Chickens have been out in the run for about 2 months now.
17 chickens are depending on me for their welfare. They do not free range due to predators and bird flu, and are very much pets. The metal shed coop that will connect to their converted greenhouse run is not put together yet, so they're living in their run. How worried should I be about the fox?
Should I assume that my run/coop is fine and that the predator will never figure out how to get in? And therefore I would not trap (and kill) the fox? Once I trap and kill it there will probably be more foxes - I live in a semi-wooded area next to a small creek.
We have a predator which I'm pretty sure is a fox that keeps getting into our fenced back yard. It has been leaving scat regularly along our berm (like there's ten large piles back there, one after the other, filled with beautyberry seeds and insect parts mainly). The berm is about 25 feet from our open air coop/run. My son has gotten up before dawn to watch the rooster crow and the hens wake up, and has seen a fox in that area. Also I know we have racoons, but I don't think it's a racoon because of the diameter and amount of scat, and the digging that the predator is doing.
We have an open air coop/run (basically a greenhouse frame with hardware cloth over the entire thing with a 3 ft hardware cloth apron, covered by a translucent tarp) and keep finding spots where something has dug a roughly 4-5" diameter area and uncovered the hardware cloth. We'd go out in the morning, and a spot of mulch would be disturbed. Chickens have been out in the run for about 2 months now.
17 chickens are depending on me for their welfare. They do not free range due to predators and bird flu, and are very much pets. The metal shed coop that will connect to their converted greenhouse run is not put together yet, so they're living in their run. How worried should I be about the fox?