Show off your Baby Chick Pics here!!

Lauren Kim

Jun 7, 2017
Studying at the Library
My Coop
My Coop
Seeing cute baby chicks make my heart melt, and I need to see more! Post a picture of your chickens when they were babies!

Here's my baby, she's a sweet BR :)
A couple of years ago, I bought some Jersey Giant eggs online but only one hatched out. A friend had chicks hatching a couple of days later and said I could have a few but while we were waiting for some company for 'Jackson', he made friends with my hubby......


and found a comfortable, warm spot to hang out (excuse the awful pink PJs!).......

Here’s our first ever batch of chicks. Hatched under their momma broody. She’s a silkie and roo is a sizzle. So absolutely adorable babies!! First pics are close to hatch date then more recent. They hatched from Dec. 15-20. So about a month old now.
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