Sick 4-5 week old chick


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2024
Hi, we recently got 4 chicks from a local farm who does not vaccinate for Cocchi but does for Mareks. After 3 weeks of having them, one chick was fine in the morning but noticed she was lethargic and sneezed a few times that afternoon, and was not eating or drinking, and shook her head kinda violently two times and just wanted to sleep. We separated her into her own brooder, and began giving water through an eye dropper, and then water with a bit of hydro hen added through the dropper. We did this once an hour through the night. She was a bit improved the following morning, walking around and wanting back in with the other chicks. She is the smallest of the bunch, and a barred rock, and other chicks are a white leghorn, blue australorp, and Easter egger. I started thinking it was failure to thrive and let her back in with others who seemed to want to help her, sit with her, etc. She ate a bit on her own when with them. We continued with giving her water and got nutridrench from tractor supply and gave to her. Also tried some Gatorade when she wasn’t interested in nutridrench. She was not sneezing but still seemed off, tired, and breathing with mouth open a couple
Times. Sometimes she itches head or shakes head a bit and clear fluid comes out from somewhere- possibly
Beak? I overnighted doxyty powder bc all others were sold out at Jedds and another store online. Yesterday afternoon, Her poop changed to a green with foamy whitish. I thought maybe it was cocchi, and treated her directly with corrid and put in the water for all the chicks. One of them sneezed a couple times over the course of two days so was concerned whatever it is, is spreading. Doxyty arrived today and I would like to treat just her if possible. The rest are acting normal eating drinking etc. She is up and walking around, eats a bit but doesn’t seem to drink so we provide through a dropper so she doesn’t dehydrate. She scratches at her head more often, She is still sleepier than others and not her usually spunky self. The vet is $260 for the visit alone and have already spent quite a bit on overnighting antibiotic and the other supplies so not in the budget to add a vet visit. Poop is about the same, tries to play a bit with others very briefly but otherwise just tends to stand and sleep close to the heater. They are on pine shavings, food was medicated then switched to non medicated when started corrid. Also gave her some hard boiled egg mashed up to encourage eating. She ate a little. They are in a non drafty den, where we have raised a previous flock, and in a spacious new dog play pen with net sides and top so ventilation is good. I’m concerned it is a respiratory illness but not sure if cocchi also. I’m not sure if we should have seen more improvement after Corrid, she got second dose today. We lost our entire previous flock to a raccoon, and really don’t want to lose another. Can she have the antibiotic and corrid treatment during the same time frame? If so what dosage for her? Sorry so long. Any advice appreciated.
Unless they have been out in the dirt I wouldn't suspect cocci just yet. But I guess it's possible.

You can give antibiotics and corrid together. The dose might be on the package when you get it.

Make sure you boost their B vitamins after the Corrid treatment as that can deplete them.
Unless they have been out in the dirt I wouldn't suspect cocci just yet. But I guess it's possible.

You can give antibiotics and corrid together. The dose might be on the package when you get it.

Make sure you boost their B vitamins after the Corrid treatment as that can deplete them.
Thank you so much for replying and reading through my looong message! I will give her a dose of the antibiotic tonight, and follow up with B vitamins once Corrid treatment is complete.

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