Sick Barred Rock...


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2024
15 week old Barred Rock pullet. Went lethargic 3 weeks ago with no warning. No signs of any disease inside or out (injuries, lice/mites/worms, etc). Eats and drinks. Roosts at night. Sometimes I find her foraging with her sisters, but most of the time she sits on the ground with her head tucked under her wing. If she is standing she will have her eyes closed. Sometimes she will walk with her eyes closed. She doesn't react as quick as the others and does not recognize when they move away. Her sisters come back for her and settle next to her. They are the same age. All three are from the same farm. They share a run with a 1 year old Australorp who reminds them she's the alpha but not in a violent manner. Most of the time the Australorp could care less. No other chicken has any health problems. My head hurts from thinking about this. Any ideas?
check for head injuries, I had a baby who was super attached to me and would fly on my shoulder when I was near, all she wanted was me and she hated everyone else, she was a lone survivor out of her brood and only liked humans afterwards. One day she messed with a hen trying to be nice to her and she had a big peck on the back of her neck and kept her eye closed due to it being pecked, as of today Chimkin has been accepted and love all 25 of her other chicken and Guinea friends and is due to start laying soon.
check for head injuries, I had a baby who was super attached to me and would fly on my shoulder when I was near, all she wanted was me and she hated everyone else, she was a lone survivor out of her brood and only liked humans afterwards. One day she messed with a hen trying to be nice to her and she had a big peck on the back of her neck and kept her eye closed due to it being pecked, as of today Chimkin has been accepted and love all 25 of her other chicken and Guinea friends and is due to start laying soon.
If she has an injury of the like, which I didn't see upon my inspection, then she'll just have to ride it out i guess.

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