Sick chick


Aug 1, 2024
Hello i have 8 day old chicks i picked up from my local Rural King. I was told they are vaccinated for coccidiosis and mareks disease. 1 chick since we got her has just been standing and not doing normal chick behavior like the rest of them , poops are watery and it just sleeps standing.

I gave them all Flock fixer its been 3 days since using it. Today i scrambled some eggs and she ate a lot of it. Should i pick up some Corid and give it to her ? She doesnt run away at all when we go to pick her up. Tonight she is not doing better. Any advice would be helpful We are feeding them 20% chick starter/meat bird Kalmbach. Yes we have a heat lamp at the correct temperature. We have been checking her for pasty butt and have been cleaning her butt if we see anything
Not familiar with what Flock Fixer is??
If chick had coccidiosis, there would be traces of red in poop. (blood)
Not all chicks that hatch thrive to adult chicken stage.:idunno:(
I suggest giving chick the scrambled egg that she ate before. It may carry her over the hurdle she is facing now.
I would use medicated chick starter feed for initial feed for them. After small bag was consumed, chicks developed their own immunity to cocci.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Not familiar with what Flock Fixer is??
If chick had coccidiosis, there would be traces of red in poop. (blood)
Not all chicks that hatch thrive to adult chicken stage.:idunno:(
I suggest giving chick the scrambled egg that she ate before. It may carry her over the hurdle she is facing now.
I would use medicated chick starter feed for initial feed for them. After small bag was consumed, chicks developed their own immunity to cocci.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Flock fixer is similar to Nutri drench. This morning i went to pick her up and shes worse. She still peeps but super tired. And i went to pick her up and diarrhea was just flowing out of her
Ugh this is so sad

I also have a weak chick. I hope yours bounces back! Hatchery told me to give egg yolk mixed w a little water, plus sugar water, so I'm trying that.

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