Sick chick


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2024
Hello all! New chicken owner. We have a Buff Orpington that is about 4 months old. She became very lethargic and isolated herself from the rest. We thought it was worms as she was very pale. She picked up after the dewormer for a hot second and now cannot lift her head. She will eat and drink if we give it to her. She seems almost paralyzed at the neck. She tries to move, but can’t. She is inside, we checked for an egg (nothing), we need any help that anyone can offer. Thank you!

Is she able to stand, or move her legs and wings? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Do you have a rooster who might have hurt her neck? I would hold some water up to her beak to see if she will drink? Has she been eating and drinking normally? Can you post any pictures of her now?
Mabel was not vaccinated. We are new to this so we did not know that was needed. We had a rooster, but we can’t have one so he was returned for a female model. Mabel is able to stand and wants to move her neck, but can’t. We are feeding her and giving her water. She is so lethargic and does not have a lot of energy to do much. She will only eat and drink if we open her beak to give it to her. She struggles to eat because it wears her out. We are trying to feed her each hour and give her water. Poor girl…


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Would you say she has a limber neck or weak neck, or does she straighten it up at times? Botulism can cause a limber neck, but it first causes the legs to become paralyzed, and the paralysis extends up the spinal nerves to the wings and neck. If only her neck seems weak, it could be neurological or injury. I would give her human vitamin E 400 IU and 1/2 tablet of human B complex daily. Let us know how she is doing tomorrow.

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