Sick chicken-not walking


Feb 18, 2025
Hi all,

I am new here. I have a question about my White Leghorn named Cracker.

I think she may be egg bound, but I am not 100% sure.

She looks fine. Good comb color, good fluff of feathers. Her eyes are not cloudy and she is alert to her surroundings. She isn't walking though. She was moving slowly yesterday, but getting around as usual.

We checked her vent. When she was turned over and tail lifted there was a clear stretchy liquid, like uncooked egg white, that came out of her vent. She had a little bit of softer brown poo stuck to her tail, but not her vent.

We felt for an egg after that and it seemed clear. Her abdomen is not rigid or swollen.

She is in quarantine inside our house. She has been here for a few hours now out of the Midwestern cold, but inwas wondering if there was anything else I could do for this sweet girl? A warm Epsom salt bath is in her future, but any other help would be welcomed.
Hello! I'm so sorry about cracker! Do you have calcium citrate? You can get it cheaply at wal.mart or any pharmacy, any generic brand works great. You'd need to dose her twice a day until she's better. Are there any other symptoms, how is she eating?

@Wyorp Rock @azygous @Eggcessive
We have calcium (oyster shells) in the coop, but I can try the calcium citrate. She was eating well recently until today. I haven't seen her eat yet today. I haven't been watching he every moment though. THANK YOU!
As @SmiYa0126 suggested, calcium citrate is what we give any hen we suspect may be egg bound or struggling with getting an egg out. The only time you'll feel an egg is when it's stuck inside the cloaca. More often it's a shell-less egg stuck in the oviduct.

Calcium citrate you get from the human pharmacy is much stronger and much faster acting than oyster shell which requires it be absorbed slowly in the intestines. I keep a bottle of the Ca citrate in my run so I can pop a tablet into the hen as soon as I notice a hen in distress.

Do the one Epsom soak and that's it. More than that you risk stressing the hen and that will aggravate the egg binding.
As @SmiYa0126 suggested, calcium citrate is what we give any hen we suspect may be egg bound or struggling with getting an egg out. The only time you'll feel an egg is when it's stuck inside the cloaca. More often it's a shell-less egg stuck in the oviduct.

Calcium citrate you get from the human pharmacy is much stronger and much faster acting than oyster shell which requires it be absorbed slowly in the intestines. I keep a bottle of the Ca citrate in my run so I can pop a tablet into the hen as soon as I notice a hen in distress.

Do the one Epsom soak and that's it. More than that you risk stressing the hen and that will aggravate the egg binding.
As @SmiYa0126 suggested, calcium citrate is what we give any hen we suspect may be egg bound or struggling with getting an egg out. The only time you'll feel an egg is when it's stuck inside the cloaca. More often it's a shell-less egg stuck in the oviduct.

Calcium citrate you get from the human pharmacy is much stronger and much faster acting than oyster shell which requires it be absorbed slowly in the intestines. I keep a bottle of the Ca citrate in my run so I can pop a tablet into the hen as soon as I notice a hen in distress.

Do the one Epsom soak and that's it. More than that you risk stressing the hen and that will aggravate the egg binding.

Thank you for your help! She is comfy and cozy right now, but I will run into town for some tablets. Do you have any dosage suggestions?
One in the morning and one at night 💕

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