Sick Chicken


In the Brooder
May 25, 2021
Hi all.

One year old hen is not well today. Walking slowly, head bobbing, slow blinking. Top of comb appears to be turning purple. Eyes appear slightly droopy.

Crop is empty. Runny poop. Lethargic.

See pics + vid

Do you have a rooster?

When was her last egg?

What do you feed, including treats?

Have you checked her over for injury on the body and under her wings, her legs/feet/joints/bottom of feet look o.k. - no abrasions, scabs, bruising?

Could she have eaten something moldy, rotten, compost, toxic?

I'd work on hydration, electrolytes would be good if you have them. Once drinking, see if she will eat some wet mushy feed or bits of egg.

Photos of her poop?

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