Sick chicken

Artic Chick

5 Years
Mar 11, 2019
I have a 3 year old red selling. Today I noticed she has no feathers on her face, is very pale and lethargic. There are no feathers on her crop area. Her vent is clean, no signs of mites but I treated her anyway. When I pick her up she is very calm ,when I put her down she stumbles a bit, and leans to the left. She is drinking and eating. Any suggestions what I can do.


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She's quite pale and has some peck marks on the face and comb. Do you have a rooster?

What do you feed including treats?

When was her last egg?

I'd work on hydration, give her some sugar water to see if that helps perk her up. Giving vitamins for a few days would be a good idea.

If the crop is not emptying, address that symptom.
Thank you for your response. When I went out to the chicken coup this morning she had just died. I appreciate the advice though.

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