Sick duck


Mar 31, 2022
I went to the vet today and was told my mallard had an egg popper inside her and her body was infected and that she has a low chance of survival. Has anyone dealt with something like this? We have her on antibiotics and medicine to try and deal with the infection inside of her but I'm just worried. We feed her lots of protwin and nutrients but I just want to know what else we can do.

I wanted to add that her stomach is hanging pretty low and we thought she was egg bound but it turns out she just had an egg popper inside her :( I hope she'll get better since we only have two ducks right now and are wanting to get more but we'd have to get chick's and it take a while for them to grow and I dont want my other duck to be lonely
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I went to the vet today and was told my mallard had an egg popper inside her and her body was infected and that she has a low chance of survival. Has anyone dealt with something like this? We have her on antibiotics and medicine to try and deal with the infection inside of her but I'm just worried. We feed her lots of protwin and nutrients but I just want to know what else we can do.

I wanted to add that her stomach is hanging pretty low and we thought she was egg bound but it turns out she just had an egg popper inside her :( I hope she'll get better since we only have two ducks right now and are wanting to get more but we'd have to get chick's and it take a while for them to grow and I dont want my other duck to be lonely
Can you send pictures?
Also keep her inside where it’s not freezing outside if you can keep her warmer it helps her get well faster I don’t know where you live so I don’t know if it is freezing out or not but also
You can start giving her calcium gluconate 1ml per day to help what’s left in her to come out -
- Talk the vet and see if she thinks that might help. Having sharp pieces of egg shell inside isn’t good . Or maybe hopefully it was a soft shell that popped.

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