
Jan 18, 2025
I have an Ancona mix duckling, he is a hit over 2 weeks old and isn’t eating or drinking with the others. There is one duckling in the flock that is double the size of everyone else (1 week older) and 1 that is a quarter of the size to everyone else (1 week younger), and the older one isn’t mean or aggressive to any of the ducklings during feeding time. The small duckling happily eats and drinks with everyone. But this sick duckling doesn’t. Everyone runs away from me but he just sits there and lets me pick him up, and today when I had a look at him I noticed that he had skin showing on the back of his neck and under his jaw!!! What could this be from???? They are in good condition and on grass with a heat lamp, the have feed and water always and they go for swims. He was the top of the pecking order but now he is scared and hides under grass, hay or the shelter. Any help is good

In the last pic it was raining so the floor was muddy, it is now hay.


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So I’m sharing your info &pics with @Miss Lydia she is one of the best duck educators we have but currently can’t get online , I’ll let you know what she has to say when she replies to me.
In the meantime, how many feeding stations do you have for them? And how many ducks altogether.? if there is only one feeding station, then it will be hard for the outcast to eat so definitely make extra feeding stations with hiding places so they don’t see each other eating and chase each other away.
How high up is your heating lamp? Can you give a picture of your set up?
And have you looked very closely for any kind of mites or other parasite on that sweet baby?
See if others are picking on her and maybe she is being chewed on you could put a divider in your brooding area temporarily until they grow out of it like put the one that’s being picked on on one side with another duckling that is nice and calm and make sure it’s something like a screen so they can see the rest of the flock through it
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I have had a looo at him and can’t see any more or anything. I have 3 feeding stations but he often waits until everyone else is finished then he walks over and has his feed. He still eats and there is food left after he eats, he just doesn’t eat much.
Have you checked his vent to make sure it’s clear and there’s no poop buildup and if you’re able to separate him long enough and maybe put him in a box or something with a puppy pee pad on the floor then you can see what his poop looks like in case it’s a weird color or anything
I’m also want to ask you what do you feed them and do you give them any treats besides their feed if you do, they need some chick grit on the side as well so they can digest
Also, since you said he is sort of lethargic and just sits there and lets you pick him up., I would start giving him some vitamins like Nutradrench or rooster booster poultry cell.
You can use a 1ml syringe with no needle on it carefully slide down the side of his mouth, a little bit into his throat so you are past the trachea ( which is in the center to avoid to get any in there)
I’m not sure what his dosage would be since he’s tiny maybe only 1/2 of an ML but it’s written on the side of the bottle how much you can give directly orally .
Last question are you supplementing your Ducks feed with a form of niacin such as nutritional yeast sprinkled 1 tablespoon on their feed 1 tablespoon per cup of feed
Have you checked his vent to make sure it’s clear and there’s no poop buildup and if you’re able to separate him long enough and maybe put him in a box or something with a puppy pee pad on the floor then you can see what his poop looks like in case it’s a weird color or anything
I’m also want to ask you what do you feed them and do you give them any treats besides their feed if you do, they need some chick grit on the side as well so they can digest
Hey thanks for the reply. I have had a look and no build up and his poop is normal, I’m starting to think he’s just shy.

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