Sick Easter Egger


Free Ranging
Apr 19, 2018
New England

Just want to say, I have dealt with a lot of sick chickens, but I have never had these symptoms.

Gracie is a 4-year-old backyard wheaten EE. I have never had any of my EEs get sick before, they don't overeat, so the chance of gleet or sour crop is very low.

Yesterday I noticed her acting weird, and I took her inside. She was walking slower, and some waste was on her bum. I thought, "Oh, we caught gleet early." We have had sour crop and gleet chickens so many times. But I noticed her nose was runny, and her eyelid was pale, with some milky residue on her eye.

I would love to know what disease this is, just in case. (I'm thinking common cold, but I don't want to underestimate) If you can give me some tips, that'll be great.

- Runny nose
- Watery eyes with some crust
- Pale eyelids
- Crop not bloated
- Has some food in crop
- No smell to her breath
- Eating slower than normal, but eats sunflower seeds fine (lol)
- Poop has form, but slightly milky on the outside
- Still very curious
- Not a gleety smell
- Some waste on bum (we cut off those feathers)
- Still preens

What we are currently doing:
- Apple cider vinegar
- 3mL of Nystatin(?) wrapped in cheese
- Chicken
- Plain Yogurt

Thank you so much! <3
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The symptoms you describe point to a respiratory infection. It's not the "common cold" which is called rhinovirus and just people get it. Chickens get an avian virus that can produce bacterial infections. We treat the bacterial infection with Tylan usually. The virus, however, remains in the chicken's cells for the life of the chicken.

If there was a significant amount of material still in the crop overnight, you may be also dealing with a crop issue. Yeast infections can crop up when the immune system is under a strain as it would be dealing with a respiratory infection. The nystatin should take care of the crop issue, but you probably need to add an antibiotic to the treatment regimen.
The symptoms you describe point to a respiratory infection. It's not the "common cold" which is called rhinovirus and just people get it. Chickens get an avian virus that can produce bacterial infections. We treat the bacterial infection with Tylan usually. The virus, however, remains in the chicken's cells for the life of the chicken.

If there was a significant amount of material still in the crop overnight, you may be also dealing with a crop issue. Yeast infections can crop up when the immune system is under a strain as it would be dealing with a respiratory infection. The nystatin should take care of the crop issue, but you probably need to add an antibiotic to the treatment regimen.

Thank you so much! We have been feeding her scrambled eggs and gave her 3mL of Nystatin this morning in a droplet. I am definitely going to add some antibiotics to her scabbled egg dish soon.

She's looking a bit better, and her nose has stopped running. When I gave her some eggs, her crop was nearly empty and she gobbled up the eggs fine. Waste has a very slight greenness, though.

Question about the Tylan- how long do I need to feed it to her and how much? I have never used it before.
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Do you have the Tylan? If it's Tylan 50, it would be .5 ml twice a day for five days. There's also Tylan 200 which is supposed to be better for chickens than the Tylan 50. The dose is .25 ml 2x day for 5 days. These can be given orally.

Tetracycline can also be used for respiratory infections.
Thank you so much for helping!

But strangely enough, we found out today that she has salpingitis. We gave her antibiotics- thinking some sort of infection or inflammation, from what we saw, and what you said. Yesterday, she passed a green sort of thing (she lays green eggs), and after some research, we found the cause- lash egg. It made so much sense, and currently, she is doing very well. <3

Again, thanks so much for your help!

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