Sick Gosling

Jun 30, 2024
My 6 week old gosling is showing signs of Niacin Deficiency which I am treating him for. He is also very jlistless, doesn’t have an appetite and has diarrhea. I am guessing he has a parasite so I am treating him accordingly for that as well. Has anyone had success with treating a gosling for Gizzard worms or any other parasite? If so, what did you use? Thank you!
Meet Goose-zilla… or at least his back side….


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Try treating for BOTH niacin deficiency AND for malnutrition. Its unlikely that you have a parasite. Most of us go through this. Its the pain of having waterfowl or chickens. We tend to go through this phase of having many of the youngest birds get sick. And usually its from malnutrition and niacin issues.

Also its no secret that a lot of the mill feeds, and pet feeds for fowl in the stores are deficient and basically not enough to support them. After I started augmenting the nutrition on my waterfowl I had a very noticeable down tick in sickness and deaths of ducklings, etc. Its all about nutrition.

You can also tell this in that its always the chicks/ducklings/goslings that get sick and not usually the adults. The weakest ones are more prone to problems from poor nutrition. With the adult birds what you see instead is that they'll stop laying eggs, or the numbers will go down a ton. You can also look for, if the egg yolks are pale, instead of dark orange, etc.

The higher the nutrition, the darker the egg yolks will be. This is an amazing built in thermometer for your fowl nutrition that lets you know if they have enough nutrition or not. The paler and lighter it is, the more its bare bones. The darker it is, the better their nutrition gets up to the point of dark orange and almost red. This holds true for ducks, and chickens. It should work for geese also, though the problem with geese is that you only get so many eggs; you get way less eggs (Although you might not have adult birds yet??)


Do you only have 1 gosling? fowl do better in packs. They don't do well solitary. It affects mental health a lot. They do much better with a buddy or 2. (Although with some fowl you can have problems if there's too many males per female.)
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My 6 week old gosling is showing signs of Niacin Deficiency which I am treating him for. He is also very jlistless, doesn’t have an appetite and has diarrhea. I am guessing he has a parasite so I am treating him accordingly for that as well. Has anyone had success with treating a gosling for Gizzard worms or any other parasite? If so, what did you use? Thank you!
Meet Goose-zilla… or at least his back side….
What are his symptoms? Gape worm is unusual in geese.

If there’s a B vitamin deficiency there might be a deficiency in multiple Bs, such as thiamine and others as well as niacin. It’s more beneficial to administer a B complex rather than just a niacin supplement because of this.

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