Hi everyone,
I have a 2 year old ISA brown that has not been feeling well. She has had issues on and off with egg laying. History of laying soft shelled eggs and some eggs with a shriveled up shell. As of recent I noticed some behavior changes with her. She is usually very active and anytime I’m in our coop or run she will follow me around and will wait for treats. She’s been a lot less active, tail down and puffed up, wanted to lay down a lot. her poops are watery with a tinge of yellow started treated her as if she was egg bound, so I gave her an epsom soak, this did not resolve the issue. I brought her inside and she has been eating and drinking. I gave her some powdered calcium carbonate mixed in her food. I am now suspecting either egg yoke peritonitis or salpingitis. She did poop out what appeared to me a small piece of lash material, it was the size of a dime. I have done a lot of research over the past day and I know with EYP sometimes it’s too far gone. i also understand that ISAs don’t live long and tend to have reproductive issues. I did order Baytril but it won’t be here until Friday. Is there anything I can do for her in the meantime to keep her comfortable or any other treatments I can try. I did also give her 1cc of nutridrench yesterday. I also wanted to add that our local feed stores pulled most antibiotics off the shelves and no poultry vet near me. Any guidance would be appreciated!
I have a 2 year old ISA brown that has not been feeling well. She has had issues on and off with egg laying. History of laying soft shelled eggs and some eggs with a shriveled up shell. As of recent I noticed some behavior changes with her. She is usually very active and anytime I’m in our coop or run she will follow me around and will wait for treats. She’s been a lot less active, tail down and puffed up, wanted to lay down a lot. her poops are watery with a tinge of yellow started treated her as if she was egg bound, so I gave her an epsom soak, this did not resolve the issue. I brought her inside and she has been eating and drinking. I gave her some powdered calcium carbonate mixed in her food. I am now suspecting either egg yoke peritonitis or salpingitis. She did poop out what appeared to me a small piece of lash material, it was the size of a dime. I have done a lot of research over the past day and I know with EYP sometimes it’s too far gone. i also understand that ISAs don’t live long and tend to have reproductive issues. I did order Baytril but it won’t be here until Friday. Is there anything I can do for her in the meantime to keep her comfortable or any other treatments I can try. I did also give her 1cc of nutridrench yesterday. I also wanted to add that our local feed stores pulled most antibiotics off the shelves and no poultry vet near me. Any guidance would be appreciated!