Sick rooster


Dec 17, 2015
Our barred rock rooster has been sick for about 3 days. He started the first day just acting drunk. He was staggering and could not keep his balance on his feet. We had to literally put food and water in his face so he will eat or drink. We wormed him yesterday and today we put rooster booster vitamins and electrolytes in his water. I fed him some bread and eggs. He ate a little. He is not walking at all today just kinda flopping around and he can't stand. We have 4 hens in the coop with him and they are all fine. He is not even a year old yet. Does anyone know what is going on with him?
Not husband will have to make something up to put him separately...if it is mareks when will the others show signs?I sure hope it's not. I'm assuming the eggs are not safe??

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